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White House Giving $100 Million to Low-Income Women of Color -- 3 Reasons Why

President Obama with women of color

According to a report by the White House Council on Women and Girls, women and girls of color often face limited opportunities. Even with programs aimed at helping low-income families, low-income women of color are dropping through the cracks. The White House is committing $100 million to help turn this situation around.

3 reasons why

There are three areas that significantly affect the well-being and qualify of life for girls and women of color. They include:

#1 - Lack of economic opportunities
#2 - Vulnerability to violence
#3 - Health care disparities

These are the areas that the White House wants to focus on with a new program called Prosperity Together. The $100 million, 5-year funding initiative is specifically aimed at improving economic conditions for low-income women, specifically women and girls of color.

Some of the program's strategies include:

* Fostering success in school
* Improving STEM education
* Reducing teenage pregnancies
* Meeting the needs of vulnerable youth

The programs wants to reach this group early in order to secure a better future for them that includes economic prosperity. Currently, African-American women earn 16 cents and Latina women earn 55 cents of what a White non-Hispanic man makes, compared to the 78 cents earned by women in general, according to Teresa Younger, the chief executive officer of the Ms. Foundation. Younger and others are optimistic that the new White House program will "create pathways for economic security for low-income women in their families."

Learn more at www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/11/13/fact-sheet-advancing-equity-women-and-girls-color

Funding and Grants For Women and Families: