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5 Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bill This Winter

Man adjusting heater to save on utility bill

Wintertime can come with high utility bills if you aren’t careful about how you use energy in your home. As the cold weather begins to creep in, it’s best that you prepare for how you’ll manage your bills in the months ahead. To help you out, we’ve collected some tips on how to save money on your utility bill.

1. Turn Down the Thermostat

You can save money and energy by turning down your thermostat a few degrees whenever you leave your home. If you have a regular work schedule, program your thermostat to switch down to a certain temperature while you’re away.

2. Insulate Your Home

An extremely high heating bill may be an indication that your home isn’t properly insulated. There may be gaps between your doors and the walls or insufficient insulation in your attic. High heating bills may also be a sign that it’s time to replace your windows.

3. Change Your Filters

Ideally, you should change the filters in your furnace at least every three to four months. If they get too clogged with dust, the blocked airflow will cause your furnace to work harder in order to sufficiently heat your home.

4. Use LED Light Bulbs

Wintertime shortens the number of daylight hours, meaning you’ll use more electricity to light and heat your home. We recommend that you replace your light bulbs with LED versions if you haven’t already. These reduce the amount of energy used, so you’ll notice a reduction in your electricity bill. You’ll also want to remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room.

5. Open the Drapes

Be sure to open your drapes whenever the sun is out so that it can filter through the windows and add some warmth to your home’s interior. Alternatively, close the curtains at night to provide extra insulation.

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