For those looking to save a lot of money on a vehicle, purchasing a salvage vehicle is a great way to do just that. A salvage vehicle is generally a car that has sustained enough damage that the potential repair costs exceed the vehicle’s value. As a result, it is deemed totaled by the insurance company. Although salvage vehicles are deemed unfit to drive, they can be repaired to look as good as new and roadworthy again. If you’re interested in taking on the challenge of purchasing and fixing up a totaled vehicle, here are some helpful tips for buying a salvage car.
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Helpful Tips for Buying a Salvage Car
For those looking to save a lot of money on a vehicle, purchasing a salvage vehicle is a great way to do just that. A salvage vehicle is generally a car that has sustained enough damage that the potential repair costs exceed the vehicle’s value. As a result, it is deemed totaled by the insurance company. Although salvage vehicles are deemed unfit to drive, they can be repaired to look as good as new and roadworthy again. If you’re interested in taking on the challenge of purchasing and fixing up a totaled vehicle, here are some helpful tips for buying a salvage car.