There is a lot of pressure on young people today to go to college. They frequently hear that college is the only way they can hope to have a fulfilling life full of opportunity and financial stability. That may have been true 40 years ago, but a college degree is not what it once was. Many graduates are finding that they are leaving college with massive amounts of student loan debt for a field of study that they can’t find a job in. For many young adults, college is out of reach because they don’t have the money, the grades in high school, or the desire to go. There is nothing wrong with not going to college—it’s not for everyone, and there is money to be made without a college degree. Here are four alternatives to college after high school for those that choose not to attend.
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Alternatives to College After High School
There is a lot of pressure on young people today to go to college. They frequently hear that college is the only way they can hope to have a fulfilling life full of opportunity and financial stability. That may have been true 40 years ago, but a college degree is not what it once was. Many graduates are finding that they are leaving college with massive amounts of student loan debt for a field of study that they can’t find a job in. For many young adults, college is out of reach because they don’t have the money, the grades in high school, or the desire to go. There is nothing wrong with not going to college—it’s not for everyone, and there is money to be made without a college degree. Here are four alternatives to college after high school for those that choose not to attend.