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6,000 Families Are Waiting For Low-Income Housing in This City

Low income families

When most people consider low-income housing needs, they think of New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles and other major metropolitan areas. But the truth is that the shortage of low-income housing is spreading across the country -- even to Boise, Idaho.

Affordable housing needs affect cities everywhere

Although Boise is the capital and most populous city in Idaho, it is still not large compared to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and others. Yet it's population of slightly over 200,000 shares a huge problem with other big cities. They do not have enough rental property to provide low-income housing for Boise's poor.

The Boise Housing Authority says their properties are all full. They have 6,000 families still waiting for a low-rent apartment. Deanna Watson with the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority states, "It's a very tough situation and we hear heartbreak stories every day." She goes on to explain that it would take an additional 4,000-6,000 thousand units to meet their housing needs.

Not everyone receives help

Cuts in federal funding and an increase in the amount of residents qualifying for Section 8 subsidized housing make the situation worse. Only about 20 percent of qualified low-income residents are getting the help they need. Watson feels that the state government needs to come up with solutions quickly.

Read more at www.ktvb.com/story/news/local/2015/12/09/thousands-boise-area-families-need-affordable-housing/77069002/

Funding and Grants For Women and Families: