As common as rear-end accidents are, many drivers aren’t sure what to do when it happens to them. However, you should know how to proceed after this type of accident because having the proper documentation and information may determine whether you’ll receive adequate coverage for the accident. Discover what to do when your car gets rear-ended below.
First, Take a Breather
Any kind of car accident can be startling. Take a moment to collect yourself before following the steps for what to do when your car gets rear-ended. When you redirect your attention from what just happened to the necessary next steps, you’re more likely to get all the information you need for a proper report and insurance claim.
Check for Any Injuries
Before getting to any documentation, check to see if you or any of your passengers are hurt. Though rear-end accidents don’t typically result in dire injuries, it’s common for victims to sustain head or neck injuries, depending on how hard the impact was.
If you sustain any injuries from the accident, you may be eligible for pre-settlement medical care funding to help pay for living, medical, legal, and auto expenses until you receive a payment from the at-fault driver or their insurance company.
Report the Accident to Authorities and Request a Copy of the Accident Report
When officers from the police department arrive at the scene of the accident, they’ll create an accident report. It will contain details about the rear-end accident, the names of those involved and any witnesses, and other details pertinent to the incident. Be sure to ask for a copy of this report for proof that you’re not at fault for the collision.
Take Photos of Both Vehicles and the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Card, if Available
Take clear photos of both involved vehicles to document the damage. If the at-fault driver has an auto insurance card available, ask to take a photo of it in case you need to follow up on any questions about coverage for your vehicle damage.
Contact Your Auto Insurance Company, if Available
Inform your auto insurance company of the accident, if applicable. Different states have different requirements when it comes to accidents and what insurance needs to cover, so be sure to check with your insurance provider following the accident. If you don’t have insurance, it will likely be beneficial to contact a funding services company.