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How To Boost Vocabulary In Low Income Kids -- Non-Profit Org in Denver Shows How to Get the Job Done!

Bright By Text Learning Program

From the time they are born until they are three years old, children in this short time frame will establish learning habits for life. Vocabulary is one of those learning skills, and parents who talk to their children more will increase those skills. Research, however, shows that low-income parents speak with their children less than higher income parents. A new program offers help.

The “Bright By Text” learning program

A Denver non-profit organization, Bright By Three, developed the free program, called Bright By Text, which sends text messages to parents or caregivers that provide learning and reading tops they can share with their children. The lessons are designed according to the child's age. The weekly lessons sent via text message encourage more interaction between parents and children.

Why the new program is so important

According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, when parents or other caregivers spend more time interacting with their children, they will perform better on literacy tests. As Family Psychologist Dr. Larry Curry explained, “The study shows by spending time earlier with a child, you mold and shape that child. The research shows that children from low-income families often hear 30 million fewer words from their parents by the time they are three.

The fact that the new program is free enables all parents, including low-income parents, to engage more with their children. Reaching children from birth to three years old is crucial to be able to establish good learning and reading habits that will not only prepare them for preschool but for life.

For more information, visit www.brightbythree.org

You can also text "Bright" to 444999 and free receive weekly tips on how to stimulate healthy development in children aged 0 to 3.

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